Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 27 -Guarulhos, São Paulo - April 6, 2015

What a beautiful week it has been with General Conference and Easter Sunday! My heart has been full all week with such gratitude for my Savior Jesus Christ and how merciful He has been to me in my life. As I have been studying His life in the New Testament and reading Jesus the Christ, my testimony and conviction that He lives is growing every single day. I absolutely loved Elder Holland's special talk on the Savior and his special witness that He lives. The Holy Ghost testified to me that truly we have a Savior and that truly He lives again and only through Him we are saved. How grateful I am to have these truths in my life! It is everything to me!
Well... watching General Conference in Português definitely was very different and a little difficult to understand. But in about a month, I will have a wonderful treasure in my hands of the words of the prophet and apostles (the Ensign magazine). I am so excited to read them in my own language!! This time during conference I relied even more on the Spirit to teach me because of my lack of understanding. I felt time and time again the impressions to be more Christ-like, serve daily and keep gathering knowledge daily. During the sessions I would hear little snippets of the actual voices of the apostles and the prophet and my soul would leap with joy!! I wanted to be able hear their own voices and hear their emotion so badly it was hurting!! Oh I love Conference so much smile emoticon

I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk on Grace. Every single day we try and we fall and we try again and we fall. Somtimes we do the right things at the right times but at least for me, it is very rare. We pray morning and night and we promise that we will do better and then our carnal minds forget during the day. We read our scriptures and we study the words of the prophets. We feel the Spirit testify of truth and we recieve promptings. We go to the temple to heal our souls and help our families grow in strength and unity. Are we doing all that we can and all that we should? Are we really doing our very best? No, and we never will. He already knew that we wouldn't be able to do our best. But He will always send His mercy. We will always recieve His grace. Because of His love that He has for us, we are saved and we are made whole. The good that we are doing right now is enough for Him, and the small sacrifices we make to follow Him and do His will are huge steps of progress in His eyes. I am finding every single day that I am barely doing anything here in the mission to help the work progress. He is the one who hastens his work and I am here to grow. I am the one who needs to have these experiences and make these changes. I am the one who is being saved by His grace. I testify that He lives, that He loves us and that He is in the details of our lives. He is so happy with all of our little successes and triumphs. He rejoices when we listen to promptings and choose the right. I am so grateful for Him and the sacrifice He made so that I, being such an imperfect person, can have His grace.
I hope all of you have had a great Conference weekend and a beautiful Easter Sunday! I love you all!! Sorry I did not share any experiences this week! And thank you for letting me express my feelings for my Savior! I promise I will have an entertaining story for the next week smile emoticon
Love, Sister Cordner xoxo

She loves to be able to see Sister Johnson all the time now.

A sister in her ward made easter baskets for the missionaries to have Easter morning.

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