Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 29 -Guarulhos, São Paulo - April 20, 2015

Well everyone, I hope your week was as great as ours!  Sister Andrade and I both caught little colds this week.  The weather is turning a little cooler and with all the pollution AND because we are always on the main roads, at the end of the day my throat and nose burn!  In the morning the sun is bright red because of all the pollution.  It is terrible.  

I CANNOT BELIEVE MITCH IS GOING TO AUSTRALIA!!  It is perfect for him and when I heard it, I was immediatley covered with goosebumps. Parabens para você Mitch!!  You will be a light in Perth and will connect with the people so easily!  August 12th could not arrive soon enough!

So many great things happened yesterday!  Sister Andrade and I taught the moças (YWs) yesterday about the importance of the first vision.  I have been praying all week to recieve another witness that the true church had been restored on earth through the prophet Joseph Smith.  I believe that we need to always be seeking to feel this confirmation again and again throughout our whole lives.  As I was looking into the eyes of such beautiful young women, so pure and so loved by our Heavenly Father, I was reciting the first vision and the experience young Joseph had in the spring of 1820 and Pai Celestial (Heavenly Father) answered my prayers.  I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.  He recieved the Priesthood and he translated the Book of Mormon.  I know this because God has told me and I cannot and will not ever deny it!  There was a little 12 year old girl visiting with her inactive mother in the class and I know she felt the spirit testify to her as well.  What an amazing experience it was :)

As a zone last night we had more baptisms in the chapel of Gopouva.  It was a beautiful night and it was an amazing experience helping N prepare for his baptism over these past months.  His wife E was born in the church and it was an amazing day for her to see her husband be baptized.  What a blessing to have him accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ!  In one year, they, with their little baby girl, Heloyse, will enter the Temple of the Lord and be sealed for all time and eternity.  It is so beautiful!!  I will send a picture of their cute little family!  

While our entire zone was together last night, we all gathered in a room to hear about transfers.  President Andrew made so many changes!!  Sister Andrade and I were transfered and our area will recieve a completely new pair of missionaries, elders or sisters, we do not know.  We were so sad because we love this area so much.  The members here are so dedicated to the gospel and help and love us so much.  I woke up this morning and my heart was hurting because tomorrow I have to leave Palmeiras.  I will have to do all I can to return at the end of my mission and visit!  We have been writing down all of the people we are working with, all of the recent converts and their needs and all of the appointments we have already set up.  Please pray with me that the new missionaries here will be able to find our precious investigators easily and will be able to work hard and follow the spirit here in Palmeiras!!  I know the Lord will help them be successful here.  

I have been thinking a lot about sacrifices this week and why we need to make sacrifices in our lives.  In the mission maybe a sacrifice would be walking an extra mile to visit an inactive family, going out for one more hour at night to make a few contacts before being able to go to bed, or maybe it is being transfered to another area without knowing why.  But these sacrifices, big or small, are so necessary in our spiritual growth.  Elder Russell M. Ballard said, "Sacrifice allows us to learn something about ourselves - what we are willing to offer to the Lord through our obedience."  We are obedient because we have faith and we love the Lord and we make sacrifices to change our nature and become more like Him.  He made the ultimate sacrifice and because of Him we are able to make small sacrifices and grow significantly at the same time.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission and see the hand of the Lord helping me every single day.  It is the best thing that anyone could do to come closer to the Savior and to learn of His love.  I recommend a mission for everyone!!!  I love you all and wish you a very happy week!!

Love, Sister Cordner xoxo

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