Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 64 - SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS - December 21, 2015 - Feliz Natal!!

Hello my beautiful family and friends!  I was so glad to hear from so many of you this week!  It has been a great one with so much success!  The Lord has been blessing us so much!  

P introduced the gospel and the Book of Mormon to his parents.  We were able to teach them and they have been just eating up the book.  They are half way through already!  But... they did not go to church.  We will see why today!

A sweet little woman found US this week.  Her name is C.  She is so humble, does not know how to read, and has 7 children!!  She has been loving our visits and is progressing very well.  She also went to church yesterday and loved it!!  She is our miracle this week.

We are currently teaching a Pastor.  Oh my, he is so smart. So good. So spiritual.  And so MORMON.  I just know one day he will accept the gospel.  We are workin' on him!

Really the members are getting so hyped up on missionary work!  Everyone is asking for Books of Mormon, magazines, pamphlets, and cards to give to their friends.  Although some of the referrals they pass end up not being very interested, at least they are doing their part!  Working with the members is a higher level of missionary work!  It works so much smoother!! Fortunately, we have gotten a few great new investigators thanks to our lovely members.  Speaking of, we have a new bishop!  Bispo Alexandre was unmatchable, but I know because I FELT that Bispo Campos is such a sweet man.  I adore his sweet family.   

Well I am SOOO excited to talk to you all on CHRISTMAS DAY!  I really cannot wait!  It has been so long since I have seen your beautiful faces.  And I try so hard to remember your voices!

I have learned so much about our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ this week.  Really faith is sacrifice.  If someone wants to recieve an answer from God, they need to show their faith through their sacrifice.  Without sacrifice, there is no faith.  And without faith, there is only belief.  Anyone can believe, but very few are willing to sacrifice.  This Christmas I have been able to testify with all my heart that our Savior Jesus Christ lives.  I feel the same fire in my heart that I felt at the beginning of my mission, but only stronger. And each time I look into the eyes of a child of God, I try to help them feel the same witness from the spirit through my words.  For unto us a Son is given.  I know He is our Savior and Redeemer.  There is no other way or means by which we can be saved.  He is the Son of God, and He lives.  How grateful I am for these truths, for they are the most precious of all.  Have a very Merry Christmas!  I will go on a BIG-TIME diet after the season because of how much they stuff our faces here.  It is rediculous!  FELIZ NATAL!


LOVE, Sister Cordner

Two special new brazilian família Matos.

Our Ward Christmas party was so BEAUTIFUL! 
You all are not the only ones seeing candy-canes this Christmas... SOOO BAD

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